Endorsement Quotes for Kids and Money

“Lack time or knowledge to teach children to be financially responsible? There’s no better guide than Kids and Money for easy to understand and implement techniques no matter where you are on the economic scale.” 

— Tom Peters, business management guru and co-author of best-selling In Search of Excellence

“Teach your kids the right money values and give them the priceless asset of financial independence. Jayne Pearl’s Kids and Money is a superb tool to begin the process.”
—Steve Forbes, chairman and editor-in-chief, Forbes Media

“Kids and Money is an essential guide for parents committed to helping their children develop smart spending habits. Author Jayne Pearl offers solid, practical advice on teaching fiscal prudence and being a loving mentor.”

—Barbara Spector, editor-in-chief, Family Business magazine

“Jayne Pearl’s Kids and Money” hits the nail right on the head. This is a great resource for parents and educators alike. In fact, we like it enough to offer it in the lobby of our bank — the world’s only bank just for youth.”

—Linda Childears, President, Young Americans Bank